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Sunday 13
 Fair Cool
up TO C.R. then on to
new [[Rochelle]]. Ronan
and Kate both absent.
today in Hugh spots in
town and White Mule
here. via Taxi to 177 st

Monday 14 
Fair [[mild]]
Drove to pay insurance 
bought duffle bags for 
mattress in car. Park in 
pm chess and JD 
came along wine
Mir went to school pm

Tuesday 15 
Fine cool
Wednesday 16 Fair mild

October 1946
Thursday 17 
Fair warm
left for trips to
boulevard drove to
Day brook Helen P. hous
by 5 30 cooked and
went to bed early

Friday 18 
Foggy Cloudy
up early at Helenas
left to Hartfor [[yet]] R9
It rained all afternoon
contained at Brown cabin
shell tower fall in Mohawk.

Saturday 19
 Fine windy cool
Up breakfast in cabin.
drove through Savory mart
over route 112  G Barret
to new Milford. Danbury
and on to NY and home
by 645 
