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Sunday 3 Rainy Mild
Out for paper
Home all day heard foot ball, proffessional that is

Monday 4 Fair Mild
Out to shop
got [[?]] [[acct?]]
of [[Berkenture?]] [[trip?]]
Mir went to school in eve J.D came by

Tuesday 5 Fair mild
Out to vote and shop Pork in Pm
Republican Landslide Dewey and all the rest elected

Wednesday 6 Fair mild
Out to shop and up town got haircut
Up to Port ball in eve had good time Mir went to meeting Hotel Pierre


Thursday 7 Fair Mild
Up [[x]] too late 
Shopped for food

Friday 8 Fair cool
out to shop looking for sugar note from Ms. Hobson
she wants sugar I found some Pork in Pm
J.D.C.R lost my chess set

Saturday 9 Fair P Cloudy
Down town bought another chess set cost too much. heard Army N.D. foot ball they finished 0.0. Pork and some chess still no sugar card from P Martine he is in Portland Ore
