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Sunday 24 Fair cold
Mir went out for paper
Miss Ann Stillman of
Montreal came for lunch
we had chicken I
went to park for a little
while in pm

Monday 25 Fair cold
Down time to see M.B.
of H.F. talked long time
with her about art show 
Mir caught cold went
to her school in eve

Tuesday 26 P Cloudy mild
note from Mrs Treadwell
wrote her me
Mir has bad cold
Park in P.m.

Wednesday 27 Fair cold
Down to H.F. and got
fish for lunch park in
pm mir cold is better

Thursday 28 P Cloudy mild
Thanksgiving Day
Had Baked ham and fixings for dinner
Park in p.m.

Friday 29 Fair Cold
Out to shop for fish
in [[lunch?]] got lumber
mir went to see Santa
in eve for picture frame

Saturday 30 Fair cold
Back to lumber yard
and now let rest
of of [[?]] home 
Park in p.m.
Army navy football today
