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Sunday 1 Cloudy mild
Started for Millerton
at 930 to put car up
got there 1145 put car
away I came home on
635 train walked to station

Monday 2 P Cloudy, cold
up early had coffee
Mir got home before 8
I worked on frames in pm
JD came and we took
walk in park wine

Tuesday 3 Fair cold. Cold
Out to buy food then 
back home make frames
Mir getting xmas pkgs
ready to send to the kids in Cal.

Wednesday 4 Fair cold
Down to 9th ave got
fish for lunch 
Park in P.m. 


Thursday 5 Fair mild
Went to O.P.A. Empire 
State building to apply f
or sugar stamp then 
down to H.F market [[?]]
little for M.H. Park in Pm

Friday 6 Fair cool
over to talk with Mis 
Todd in galery about 
publicity Park in Pm

Saturday 7 P Cloudy cool 
Stopped for food
and worked on frames 
Park in pm
CR came by home
in eve wine and chess

Memoranda Sarita also
came in eve for 
dinner with Mir