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January 1947

Sunday 19 P Cloudy Cold
out to buy paper 
cooked chicken for lunch
Park in p.m. chess J.D. came along, stopped by Carney, a couple of beers

Monday 20 Rainy mild
Out to shop in Am and over to gallery Show opens today 3 to 7 In spite of rain a goodly crowd was there
good party about 200 attended.

Tuesday 21 Fair colder
Down town to see miss MB.B. News reported came home at 1 PM phoned Miss Brady then to park no chess too cold

Wednesday 22 Fair Cold
Out to shop and phone Miss B. Went up town to interview Miss Holt of Amsterdam News in P.M sent letter to miss Graham of Negro Press re news article


Thursday 23 Fair Cold
Down town to shop called up Miss Holt of Amsterdam News

Friday 24 P Cloudy mild
Out to shop. then over to gallery to meet lady from Montclair N.J. about having J.H in the museum but didn't agree down to H.F in PM. didn't see M.B.B 
Then to S. Burke party on 3rd St.

Saturday 25 Fair Mild
Out to shop
Mrs Staats came to gallery and to lunch with us 
Had a bunch at gallery in P.M. The Stampers, Rena celis Ann and whitey Miss Johnson, The Tenessean Twins and others 
Mir went down to see a dance in eve
