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March 1947
Sunday 30 Fair Windy Cold
Out got Paper Park in PM. Mme [?] Molinara
from U.N. and Paris came in eve with a Mr Mayer and C.R. Very attractive

Monday 31 Fine Cold
Down to H.F. to see M.B.B. Park in P.M.  J.D. came along with some wine. Two sweet young things came by in eve

Tuesday 1  April Fool
Fair Rain
Out to shop got Pork chops Park in P.M. chess.  Mir went to her class in P.M. back by 730 for dinner

Wednesday 2 Rainy Mild
Down to 9th ave for fish. Too damp for Park so home all day and painted

April 1947
Thursday 3 Fair Cool
Out to shop in AM. Park in P.M. down to C. Wilson to meeting in eve. Mir went also. Made some progress

Friday 4 Fair Cold
Down to 9th Ave got fish. Park in PM. J.D. came by

Saturday 5 Rain Rain Rain
Out to shop got chicken for Sunday. Home all day on account of rain.
