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JUNE 1947

Sunday 8 Rain and more rain
Out to get paper Home all day and eve

Monday 9 Fine mild 
Out to shop near by Park in P.M. CR came by

Tuesday 10 Fine mildly warm 
Out to shop in AM 
Park in PM 
JP was out 
Mis went to dinner with Helen P and Nellie M
Home by 9 PM

Wednesday 11 Fair warm
Down to 9th ave for fish 
Park in P.M.

JUNE 1947

Thursday 12 Fine warm 
Out to shop near by 
Park in P.M. C.R. came

Friday 13 Fine warm 
Down town to H.F then to 9th ave for fish and chicken for Sunday Park in PM. Helen P. had lunch with us
CR. JD. and I. J.D. studio in eve

Saturday 14
P. Cloudy showers
No shopping to do today
have meat and chicken in ice box
Park in P.M. but it rained so came home early

Mis went to show with Helen P. in after noon. It rained all evening air mail card from Renee in Paris


Transcription Notes:
How should "memoranda" fit into the narrative? It seems to be an extension of Saturday 14.