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JUNE 1947
Sunday 22 Fine Mild
Out to get papers then
cooked chicken for lunch
Park all PM chess.
Mir went to visit Mrs
L 74th ST in P.M.

Monday 23 Fair mild
Out to shop downtown
Park in P.M CR + JD
Came out.

Tuesday 24 Rainy mild
Out to shop near by home
all A.M. Mir went out
in P.M to visit friends

Wednesday 25 Fair warm
Down to 9th ave to fish
and to French consul to
see about papers for Renee
sent her an air mail letter
Park in P.M. chess CR
and JHD Robinson were out

JUNE 1947
Thursday 26 Fair warm
Out to shop near by. Mir
went to get tickets for concert
with U.N. Got letter from
David Sadelle telling of his
wife Greta's passing away

Friday 27 Fine warm.
Down to 9th ave for fish. Sent
Renee another air mail
about her papers. Park in
P.M. CR came out wine chess
Mir went to Greta's funeral
in A.M.

Saturday 28 Fair HOT
Out to shop for chicken
for Sunday. Mir went to
mine ast. with U.N. and
Maurice in P.M. They came
by Park and had dinner with
us at home Maurice
[[?]]beef  steak

Mir went to theatre in car
I went with Maurice to
Union City n.J. to see a
Burlesque but it is
closed for summer home
by 1130 PM

Transcription Notes:
Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 - please confirm names