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June 1947
Sunday 29 Fine HOT
Out to paper then fried chicken for lunch Park all PM. JO was out Mir stay home all day

Monday 30 Fair HOT
Down town to H.F. didn't tarry very long. Chicken for lunch. Park in PM. C.R was out chess wine

Tuesday 1 July Fine HOT humid
Down to G.C. to get time table to Newburg
and shopped for food Mir got letter from Mrs E.L. with $ for me. Park in PM. CR out Mir went dinner with friends

Wednesday 2 Fine warm
Down town to look for shoes found none in A.M. but did in P.M. Miss Whitaner [?] came to look at John Henry Pictures at lunch time  Mir went down town with her  Park in PM no chess.

July 1947
Thursday 3 Fine Warm
Down town in Am to H F and got food  shoes hurt so got them stretched Took train with C.R. up to Newburg in eve not too crowded got there at 945

Friday 4 Fine mild 
Up by 9 Am (at Fannie) is [?] busy went down hill to look up McKnight. Saw him when went down by river with [?] Made whoopie from then on till caught bus back to N.Y. got home 1:30 AM

Saturday 5 Fine warm
Mir has gone up to Millerton to visit and get car. Took U.N. and Maurice with her, but they came back to day. left note in my my letter box that Mir has no liscence plate so wont be back till Monday. [?] Martine came in eve, leaving next day.