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JULY 1947

Sunday 20 Fair Hot
Out to get paper then
home and fried chicken
for lunch Park in Pm
Molinara's came in eve
to see Mir about trip to Cal.
had buffet supper with us

Monday 21 Fair Hot
Out to shop nearby
park in Pm. CR was out
wine said he was going to
hospital next day
Mir went to meet Mrs UN in pm

Tuesday 22 Fair Hot
Out to shops for grain
Mrs Abbott came to sew for Mir Park in Pm.
Card from g.D he is in Maine

Wednesday 23 Fair Warm 
Down town to H.F. and to get fish for lunch worked a 
little for M.H. Pork in P.M. J.H.D was out. chess

JULY 1947

Thursday 24 Fine warm
Out to shop in Am
Phoned to see if CR was in hospital in pm and in to park chess.

Friday 25 Fair warm
Down to H.F. in Am but didn't stay to work
got fish at wash. market
Park in pm then up to Molinaras for dinner with Mir 
Home by 12 midnite

Saturday 26 Fair warm
Out to shop near by got chicken for Sunday
Park in P.m.
