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August 1947
Sunday 31 Fair warm
Out for paper all is dull the day after the parade Park in PM no one came out

Monday September
Labor Day
Fair Mild
Out got paper then home all A.M. Park in P.M JD came out

Tuesday 2 Fair warm
Nice long letter from Mir in L.A. Shopped a little
Then to Park in PM.

Wednesday 3 Fair warm
Shopped for lunch
nothing of note
Park in P.M.

September 1947
Thursday 4 Humid warm
Took watch to Uncle's [?] down town to shop stopped
by J.D. had a couple of beers then home Park in PM no news from mir

Friday 5 P. Cloudy warm
Down to Leecam camera place and got camera fixed stopped by J.D. he was not in then up to 9th ave got fish for lunch Park in PM no one came out

Saturday 6 P Cloudy warm
No news from Mir Out to shop then home after taking a little walk down by radio city 
Park in P.M. JD came out but wasn't 'stricken" so did not stay