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September 1947
Sunday 7 Fair Hot
Out to get paper Park in PM then up to the Stampers for dinner. The Hills came by and left tomatoes while I was up there.

Monday 8 Fair Hot
No News from Mir the telly came for Nanuet [?] I sent it on & his by air. Park in PM. 

Tuesday 9 Fair Hot Humid
No news from Mir  Park in PM J.D. and Richard Reed went out there talked with them.

Wednesday 10 Hot Humid
Down to 9th ave got fish  Park in PM.  JD was out had wine on rock and went to Carney's for glass of beer

September 1947
Thursday 11 Hot Humid
Got nice letter from Mir with check got things out of Uncles then went down to JD studio till lunch home and to Park in PM sent out air letter to Mir.

Friday 12 Hot Fair Humid
Down to H.F. Got news about MH who has quit hospital Park in PM C.R. came wine on rock and at Carneys. Called up M. Wood J.D. was out

Saturday 13 Fair Hot
Out to shop wrote air mail to Mir  Park in P.M. JD was out wine on the rock Big ball game today St Louis vs Bklyn Bklyn wins