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October 1947
Sunday 12 Fine, mild
Wire from Mis in Chi say she be home Wed AM
Out for paper park in p.m. Fine day for outdoors

Monday 13 Fine mild
Out to shop near by Park in P.M. JD came by car & talked a little

Tuesday 14 Fair Mild
Letter from Mis with some $ shopped nearby in AM. Park in P.M. chess.

Wednesday 15 Fair Mild
Down to G.C. Station to meet Mis she arrived at 9.25 home via taxi then got fish for lunch Mis rested a little in p.m. Then called up some people

October 1947
Thursday 16 Fair mildly warm
Out to shop, camera case came for Mis Park in P.M Down to the Hill 3rd St in P.M. with Mis. M Wood was there home by 11pm

Friday 17
Fair mild warm
Down to game got fish for lunch Mis left for trip to Millerton at 230 P. to visit Hills and get car Park in P.M. no one came out.

Saturday 18
