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Sunday 2 Fine Cool
Out for paper cooked
chicken for lunch Park 
in P.M. C.R came
along just a little dry
talk, home all eve.

Monday 3 P Cloudy Mild
Down to pay insurance
and get picture frames
from store. There on to 
lumber yard for lumber
for Min's cabinet for window
Park in P.M. chess

Tuesday 4 Rain Rain Rain
Election day Out to 
shop for food and voted
Then home for rest of
day on account of Rain
P.R. is killed by voters 

Wednesday 5 Rainy mild
Down town to Wash market
got fish for lunch
no rain in P.M. so I
went to park got Min
camera's out of shop

Thursday 6 Rainy mild
Took [[Muguet's?]] camera. to .P.O.
Then shopped on 9 ave for 
[[?]] E Wilson came by 
at lunch time had lunch
with us I went down to
get lumber in P.M. and to J.D.
Studio. Marie and [[?]] came
in eve

Friday 7 Down to 9th ave for 
fish in A m. Went to wash. 
market for lumber in Pm
worked on Min's window

Saturday 8 Rain Rain
Out to shop for Sunday 
got chicken Then home
all day note from C.R. in
A.M. inviting me over to
French and Co this Pm for some 
chess and refreshments
Memoranda but it rained too hard so listened to foot-
ball and worked on Mir's
window cabinet all Pm