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I am all for it - especially when I think of all the new kinds of trees & wildflowers & birds we would see, and of looking up toward real mountains and clouds flowing over the ridges. Already I'm thinking of how wonderful it will all be - until we start to unpack in our little log cabin & then to my horror you drag out your old [[strikethrough]] stubbly hair brush, the one that has no shape. 

I got up late today - I mean I was awakened by the phone & who should it be but Mrs. Feininger (what is her name? She said "this is Feininger") - for a moment I thought it was D K trying to put on a Swedish accent - she wants us over for supper & my slides next Thursday at 6:30 - I told her you may not be back then, so she said Friday, then, but when I said I'd be teaching, she got all flustered so I said - make it Thurs. & one or both of us will be there. They live on the west side on 9th St. So now I have a PROJECT to occupy my time: go thru ALL my slides & select the best. 

ALSO - we are invited to a party by Charles for Chas. Oscar & Jack Squier next Tues - I'll have to RSVP a reluctant no because of my classes. 

Jean phoned to ask me out to Wing King with Dick but I was just not interested in food when she called because a huge breakfast was still with me (juice, 2 scrambled eggs, toast, KRCHZETMEIRHS wheat germ, jelly etc,) She wants me down there tonight for Scrabble but I'd rather stay home & work on the oil - "Sunset through Spenddrift". Some of the orange is grayer & the upper right sky is more luminous with white but I promise you I won't change it anymore. 

I have so much to do! phone or write Belle, phone Hubert Creehan about the cover, write home, phone Charles, see the stable show & a student's as Roko, clean my blue jacket which is full of white paint at the seams, write Laurence Woodman & return his little pictures, wash socks, buy eggs & meat, mail the pkg for Sunnie & Eddie's baby, and wash DISHES! UGH UGH UGH UGH.