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Wed eve 11:30

I'll be in sometime Monday before midnite, depending on train connections. (also on greyhound bus at Thomaston). Please air out my blue jacket & brown slacks so as to get rid of mothball smells - in time for class Tues. First class is 4 p.m.

Hi Peaches

Am starting this off with Etta's letter - that you might want to read it right away. I'm going to the boat tomorrow to see Mo off. He's going to Jack Diner's for the weekend!

Ione was nothing more than very strong winds (35 m.p.h)- woke me up at 4:30 am this morning. Quite a sight, the dark night with bright stars over Nauanu & the spruces by Betty Ebbet's bending in the wind. Today Herb & I took Tour A with Pepe - (to Burnt, White Hd., Lighthouse) Then in the afternoon took Tour D (to Lobster Cove & back via Hekking's) We have breakfast, lunch & supper together every day. He rushes over with food at the drop of a hat He helped [[strikethrough]] make [[/strikethrough]] with the hardware on the storm doors this evening. The yard & outside of the house & under the house are in great shape, as is the storeroom. I've stopped puttering around as of today, except for endless dishes & laundry!

It's very lonesome in bed

[[Margin]] Thurs a.m. It was 43° last nite!! Couldn't sleep - tried shrimp, but couldn't do it sans vous. [[/margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Please help resolve [[?]]s before submitting. Thanks! - Emily, TC staff I am guessing on Nauanu--it may be Nuuanu in Hawaii. Have resolved all but one [[??]]