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alone and cold! 

School sounds wonderful - like one big picnic. The tools were terrific. How is your schedule at school & at home?

You shouldn't have bothered with the alarm clock because Herb was going to lend me his.
The Robinson bill is tremendous - 791.00!!! I can't pay for it now even with the new bank balance so have told Oscar I'd pay it from N.Y. in Oct.
The McLoon bill for 300 (with 10% discount) for ref. & stove I may pay this wk. Capt. Field's bill for 3.35 freight for some things I've just paid. I gave John A. that last bottle of likker & he was tickled pink.
The violet gentrani & purple asters are profusely blooming all over the island & the woods are full of pretty birds. The sea was all whitecaps today. What a nice nice day. The bedroom is freezing cold tonite. Doug & Harry are coming for supper tomorrow nite. Herb asked them. Emily will bring a meat loaf. I supply [[strikethrough]] dessert [[/strikethrough]] vegetables. What activity!

[[left margin]]I did a very good drawing of
White Head today BUT really good. I am pleased
Did you see the mention of me in the Sun. Times re downtown show?[[/left margin]]

[[right margin]]I shall now go to the bathroom + soak in that tub. Love Reub.[[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Please help resolve [[?]]s before submitting. Thanks! - Emily, TC staff. Done!