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live, in a small, old apt, which looks [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] as [[right margin]] Winston tastes good [[/right margin]] ours. would look like if our bldg were 50 yrs older & if we didn't have a good staff of janitors. Then I thot we're real chicken to feel we couldn't entertain in our apt. when Anne could do it so well & successfully in hers. I think we're too self conscious about the matter. Hers is like this. Very small. [[image]] with a kitchen smaller than ours, with the 2 doors. I told her how we'd solved the kitchen problem by removing the doors & putting up bookcases in front of it & she's anxious to see, someday, how we'd done it. Bill, Hyde, Dot A, Dorothy & John, Monroe & Katrina were there. Bill had just returned from a 3-day jury thing at the Munson - Wms. - Proctor in Utica & delivered a monologue on the whole trip. In The telling I sensed he'd [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] been disturbed about something at Utica & later when his tongue was looser it came out: that, as soon as he entered the Museum there, there on the wall was my oil ("Waves") - [[strikethrough]] he said [[/strikethrough]] the upsetting factor being that even there, in the middle of nowhere - was a museum-owned Tam!

Then a whole period ensued when he crossed swords with both John & Monroe & called them four-letter names. The women & Hyde were a bit on edge but somehow my puns were like oil on tr. waters (I think)

Then later after we'd discussed Pollock, etc. art, life, etc. Bill paid me the extreme compliment: That I was the only authentic & significant Romantic in American ptg. today & he meant it, I know. He was very serious.

Transcription Notes:
Image description should be incl in transcription? No, they say to describe in the notes if you want to describe an image, but there is no requirement to describe it I moved it below image - sketch of the layout of a small apartment; labels Bath Bedrm K Sofa table L.R. chairs easel