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helping her load her car. & don’t know the outcome.

The bus terminal is real nice, in Rockland. It has a john, is part of the state news agency which moved across the street to join it. & is open all the time. & has lockers for bags. I left my bags there, bought my ticket. & went to see the A. Wyeth show at the Farnsworth. part of same show that was at the Morgan Library. then went & sat on waterfront— you get to it on the road past Sears, on the way to the Maine Deck Marina restaurant. Sure was out. lovely & warm. I had a nice restful time. Ate [[strikethrough]] lunch [[/strikethrough]] supper at [[?Newberts]] hamburg & ice cream. & went to Thorndike to say hello to Lillian & Nate. & since this was the cocktail hour before their big Sat. night supper— she took me in to the lounge to say