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several fine vertical scratches (one deep)- [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] outside - about 12" long - probably made by the sharp wire ends of[[strikethrough]]some[[/strikethrough]] the old sqeegee mop when they cleaned the glass this summer. Vernon said the gashes shouldn't matter (structurally) but "keep an eye on it" - whatever that means. I haven't told Larry about it -yet- he's (no doubt) unaware of the damage & I probably won't bring it up. He leaves tomorrow. Don't brood over this - I shouldn't have told you because there's nothing one could do, really.
Has the mailman delivered the 2nd class mail yet?
Tell Murray & Jo [[strikethrough] I'll [[/strikethrough]] I got their note & will have Lots of plants - all kinds- seedlings & divisions to give them next June for their gardens & that Fall planting is never as good as Spring planting because of the vagaries of weather at this time & the watering problem & the cold. (They'd suggested I put in some plants for them now).
Spent the whole day 2 days ago weeding the veg. garden which was all but submerged by a thick forest of grass & chickweed. Looking forward to next Summer here but we'll be so far from mangoes and guava pulp. 
Take care, watch out, don't take chances. R-