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Sat. Sept. 7 1974

Hi - 

In the attic (near E. window) there is a hanging bunch of dried bulrushes - about 6 or 8 strands - could you put them in an envelop - or mail them back some way. No rush on that (hah hah!)

Had another delishus ear of corn for lunch! This one very ripe and yellow. 

[[right margin]] later - 

Having a delishus supper of Beef with snow peas, listening to Robert Sherman. 

Aiko coming for supper tomorrow and I'll have Beef with black Beans and string beans, and zuchinni. 

Last night I had a long long sleep, 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. I guess I was exhausted. What dreams! I dreamt we were all (Monhegan people, like Bill McCartin etc.) going someplace via the 125th St. Subway station - only I had left first - and when I got there, I called and called for you - you were nowhere