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emergency at home, and the 2:30 flight was the only one I could get (true, anyway). Dr. Dunnan is everywhere and sees everything that goes on. It makes for a very tired and unrelaxed situation - but then, people had been getting away with murder before, so I suppose the crackdown had to come. 

Last week was one hectic week at school. I had to clean up my room. Organize visual displays, etc. Because of High School open House on Thursday
(Don't worry. Malcolm Thompson gave me a ride home and waited in the car until he saw me in the front door.) Middle School open House is this coming Tuesday. Ugh.

Last Wednesday I went to the opening of the Fried Show at the Coe Kerr. Saw everyone on the staff. What a gigantic staff. Dora Foster said that the  shows in N.E. Harbor and Rockport were fantastically successful, and they will do it again next year. I don't know what they mean by that. Did they sell anything of yours? Warren Adelson has finally thawed - He greeted me warmly and we spoke of your show. I said How are things coming? He said fine, and to tell you not to worry, and when I left, he patted me comfortingly on the arm. Sheila said she & her husband went to Hawaii on route from