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Japan and in Maui she said -she just saw your paintings-the same cruel, or did she said "raw" earth, with deep red & black colors, the same deep blue sea. She was so impressed with how you had captured the essence of the landscape there.

Last week, I think it was Tuesday, (around 6 pm) I picked up the phone, and it was Aiko calling from L.A., just as if she were still in Astoria - to tell me she'd gotten there in one piece. The house is small, but [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] larger than her apt. She has a backyard 8' [[strikethrough]] x8 [[/strikethrough]] deep and a front yard 5' deep, and there's a man who runs and greenhouse who is interested in giving her a job. She said she left N.Y. without a twinge, and she feels she's made the right move. 

As for Jamie's party, I think you should have gone. I think you're being overly sensitive where he's concerned. Maybe he saw C. Martin 3 days earlier than he saw you.

The plants are fine. The large tanks were dry, but I watered, at first sparingly, then more later. One jasmine in bloom to-day. Three more buds about to pop.

Bill McCortin called. Said he was worried about whether the big rain of the hurricane [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] had caused his house to leak. Though he had put pans around to catch the leaks. Gotta go & make the mail. Gerry