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Don't forget to write to the Conservationist & mention the # of free copies and the # you pd for.

Wednesday 9/17 10 am


The crisp cool sunny days have come to an end, temporarily, I hope, for today it's dark & heavy in feeling, and the north wind makes that wailing sound in the gutterpipes. Perhaps it's just as well, as I'll have to stay in & get a lot of indoor work done - like sweeping, cleaning out the fireplace, sorting magazines & newspapers, putting away [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] clothes, dishes, etc.

Got your 2nd letter yesterday & read it on top of White Head. What a great day- the weather perfect, the mood serene. I picked a whole bagful of coral mushrooms on the Red Ribbon Trail just off the Wh. Hd trail - (Had some of it last night- the aroma heavenly downstairs, and hellish upstairs this a.m.) Deer tracks everywhere, imprinted in mud in puddles drying up after that heavy rain of last week.

Shall scatter (or plant) pearly everlasting seeds. Dropped in on Mollers 2 days ago (or rather, they grabbed me [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] in as I was coming back from Xmas Cove. Got a bagful of mussels from L. Cove that day - tides [[underline]] very [[/underline]] low, pools [[underline]] very [[/underline]] colorful.

Mollers told me Tarlow's 3 lots (+ well, + excavation) now reduced to 15000 - he'd pd 10 for it originally. Tempted, as an investment if nothing else. Whadyathink? Then I begin to consider that that am't would buy great tracts of land elsewhere (instead of 1/2 acre)- or that pc. in Rockland County that the architect prof. was offering at 8000 (?). Or something in South Hampton? or Catskills? or Woodstock? Then I also began to bewail my decline in capital with the current fear market - a radio program last night said all those who invested in