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[[handwritten]] $35 [[handwritten]]

18 October 1984

Dear Andre [[é]],

It was very pleasant to see you and Connie last night, and your happiness about the new acquisition of a farm in Pawling.

This morning is the first chance I have had to look at the transparency of the picture you suggested we trade for. It is not a picture I am proud of and therefore my main interest in it would be to get it out of circulation.  But I am not so concerned about it that I would want to make a big deal out of it. Nor do I think it would bring much at auction.  In short, if you want to make a modest exchange, fine.  But I have too many works out in the world, especially from the Kootz days, to even contemplate trying to get back the ones that I now regret having released. What do you think?

In any case, thanks for your courtesy

As ever,
[[signature]] Bob [[/signature]]
Robert Motherwell

Transcription Notes:
I tried to limit the number of brackets, but the handwritten additions appeared mentionable.