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August 31, 1990

Dear Friend of the Arts,

As Mr. Motherwell states, the Gantt for US Senate Committee has received commitments for a series of limited editions of prints from the nation's leading artists to assist his campaign to defeat Jesse Helms in the fall elections. The artists are Richard Diebenkorn, Roy Lichtenstein, Mr. Motherwell, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg and Ed Ruscha. With the outpouring of support from the Arts community, it is possible that the Gantt Committee will add one or two more artists to this list. We will keep you informed.

All of the works were created for the Committee. All will be signed and numbered by the artist. (All editions will be 250 pieces with a very limited number of proofs. The Motherwell will be 200 pieces. Gemini, GEL is printing all of the pieces except Mr. MOtherwell's which will be printed by Trestle Editions.)

The law that governs Federal campaigns allows the campaign to reward contributors with a gift of an art work for a contribution. The law restricts how and to what level people may contribute. Only personal contributions are allowed and are limited to $1,000 per election.

To receive a print, the campaign, through this office, must receive two $1,000 contributions.

The works are being placed on a first come first served basis. As the enclosed materials indicate, we are asking people to specify a first, second, or third choice. As we are at the beginning of the program, there won't be any difficulty in ensuring the contributors' selection. As we progress, we will reserve art works upon phone or FAX request. Our office will handle all the physical aspects regarding shipping, insurance, documentation and the like.

The campaign will publicize the program through mailings, at events and in Arts publications. But there is no better source to reach the art purchasing audience than through Arts leaders like yourself. We hope that the cause, Mr. Gantt's record and his opponent, and the quality of the participating artists will lead you to join with us in our efforts to defeat Mr. Helms. 

If we can provide any additional information at this time, please call Mary Widdifield or myself at 202/546-1804. By mail, we can be reached at c/o Motherwell, Suite 200, 707 8th Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003. Our FAX is 202/543-2405.

[[letterhead]] 700 East Stonewall Street, Suite 500, Charlotte, N.C. 28202, 704/338-1990

Paid for by Harvey Gantt for Senate Campaign Committee [[/letterhead]]