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Creates a mural for the John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Boston, designed byWalter Gropius and Samuel Glaser.
Albert Dorne Professor of Drawing, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport,Connecticut.Attends the opening of the Venice Biennial with Helen Frankenthaler, who represents the U.S.A. together with three other artists. Thereafter spends some weeks with Bryan Robertson in Alexander Liberman's house in Ste-Maxime. Visits with Herbert Ferber in Vermont during the summer, followed by a trip to Canada. Death of Hans Hofmann. Included in "Fifty years of American Art: 1916-1966", The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio.

Paints in his New York studio "Open No. 1", the first work in his "Open" series. 
Continues this series in the fall. Creates a group of collages in Provincetown in the summer. Receives a commission from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, to illustrate a deluxe edition of Rimbaud's poetry. Brought to the outline stage, the project was later abandoned.
Becomes a "fellow in perpetuity" of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Death of Ad Reinhardt.
Contributes a drawing for the book "In Memory of My Feelings" by Frank O'Hara, edited by William Berkson, Museum of Modern, New York.
Exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco. 
The 1965 exhibition assembled by the Museum of Modern Art, "Robert Motherwell: Collages and Drawings" shown jointly with drawings by Arshile Gorky during 1967-1968 in the following South American museums: Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Museo de Artes Visuales, Buenos Aires; Museo de Bellas Artes; Caracas; Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Bogotá; Galeria Universitaria Aristos, Mexico City. 
Motherwell attends the opening at Mexico City.
Included in "Carnegie International Exhibition", Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Becomes Benjamin Franklin Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, London.
With Cleve Gray, edits "David Smith by David Smith" (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1968).
Selected as advisory member of the editorial staff of the journal "American Scholar", Washington, D.C.
Undertakes the editorship of the scholarly and critical series "The Documents of 20th-Century Art" (Viking Press, New York; Thames and Hudson, London).
Makes a silkscreen print of the Spoleto Festival.
Lectures on "Dada and Surrealism at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Participates in the exhibition at the Richard Feigen Gallery, Chicago, protesting Mayor Daley's policies during riots at the Democratic convention. 
Mark Rothko rents a summer house near Motherwell's studio in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Joints in a number of protests by artists against the Vietnam war, by selling and exhibiting works. Small exhibition of new "Gauloises" collages at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Included in "Dada, Surrealism and Their Heritage" exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, New York, and "Linea della Ricerca Contemporanea", Biennale di Venezia, Venice.

Creates a silkscreen for an International Rescue Committee. Arranges a gift of twenty paintings, divided among the following institutions: Museum of Modern Art, New York; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco. Elected to the National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York. Works during the summer in Provincetown.
Special Exhibition of a slection [[selection]] of drawings from the "Lyric Suite", Museum of Modern Art, New York.
First public exhibition of the "Open" series at the Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York. A selection of the same paintings shown at the Marlboroguh Galleria d'Arte, Rome. Exhibition of new paintings and collages at the Virginia Museum Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia. Included in the summer exhibition, "The New American Painting and Sculpture: The First Generation", Museum of Modern Art, New York, prepared by William S. Rubin.

Lectures at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on "The Nature of Abstraction". Works during the months of February and March with Christopher Poter, London, on thirty silkscreen prints commissioned by the Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York.
Death of his friend Mark Rothko. Consulted by fact-finding commission of the U.S. Congress concerning environmental questions.
Acquires a house in Greenwich, Connecticut, designed to serve a winter studio.
Retains studio on East 94th Street in New York as a residence. 
Spends the summer in Provincetown.
Lectures at the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven.
Supports the elections of libera for the Congress by donation of silkscreen print.
Death of Barnett Newman.
Conducts a seminar with Antho Caro and Alex Colville at the University of Toronto, examinin the position of contemporary a in English-speaking countries. As a protest against the war in Asia, refuses an invitation

Before the Day, 1972
Acrylic and charcoal on canvas
72x96" (183x244 cm)
Signed und dated u. l.: RM 72
30 August
Coll. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lang, Medina, Washington

Study for "Shem the Penman"
No. 6, 1972
Acrylic and charcoal on board
15 1/2x19 1/2"(39,5x49,5 cm)
Signed and dated l. r.: RM 14
Sept 72
Courtesy ACE Gallery, Los Angeles and Vancouver

Study for "Shem the Penman" 
No. 11, 1972
Acrylic and charcoal on board 
15 1/2x19 1/2 (39,5x49,5 cm)
Signed and dated l. r.: RM 72
Courtesy ACE Gallery, Los Angeles and Vancouver

In Beige with Charcoal No. 6, 19
Acrylic and charcoal on board
36x48" (91,5x122 cm)
Signed und dated u. l.:
RM 5 Feb 73
Courtesy M. Knoedler & Co.New York

$21,000. -