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entered.  Although most of the pictures were sold we were rather disappointed in the collection.  On going right after to the National Gallery we were impressed by the contrast.  There the pictures filled you with their magnificence of color and composition.  The collection, is so rich it is impossible to take it in all at once, it has to be seen a number of times.  In the Italian section we were impressed by the Virgin and Child of Botticelli, which was wonderful in line and composition.  Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian was so beautiful in colouring you could take any part of it [[strikethrough]] and it as  [[\strikethrough]] for a jewel.  Mercury, Venus and Cupid by Correggio although wonderful in composition and color was not as fine as the Titian.  We also saw the Rembrandt portraits with their wonderful depth of tone and the magnificent pictures by Paolo Veronese, especially the family of Darius before Alexander and one great picture of Leonardo DaVinci, Our Lady of the Rocks.  By the Rembrandt's was hung the very large picture by Van Dyck of Charles the first of England.  The picture we liked very much in the Spanish collection was the Wild Boar Hunt