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Steward's studio to have tea with him and his wife. We had a very pleasant time and from there went to see the art gallery at the South Kensington Gardens, where we saw the seven original cartoons of Raphael's. One room was devoted to Constables work and I took a great interest in them. Among them were three of his little pocket sketch-books that were very pretty.

That night we went to the Chatham Hotel for dinner.

July 27, 1908.

Monday morning we left Mrs. Legiad's for good and stopped at Gianellie's for the last time, to have lunch. Then we took the train for Stratford-Upon-Avon.

We wanted to take lodging again, but left it to luck to find them and were not disappointed. On arriving at Stratford the station porter told us of a Mrs. Ashquith where we could stay. We found Mrs. Ashquith a very sweet little lady and her rooms very comfortable in a convient part of town. For the first time, our living room possessed a piano.