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grounds, with a running stream that forms little artificial lakes. The motor goes no further than the entrance to the grounds and we walked up to the ruins stopping now and then to admire the views. We spent the day among the ruins, the most complete and beautiful I have seen. Later in the afternoon the sun came out and made the ruins still more charming. Near the Abbey is a little stone well called Robin Hoods' Well.
It was a moonlight night and we walked about the town and looked at Cathedral.
August 11, 1908.
Tuesday morning we went to see the interior of the Cathedral and found it very interesting although it is one of the smaller ones.
At one time they had begun to change the whole structure from Norman to Gothic architecture, but not having the necessary funds were forced to stop when they were half finished. The difference between the old and the new is quite marked. Under the Cathedral are some queer stone chambers where the monks stored their reliques. All the windows in