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angry at it being there and so they moved it as far away as possible.

On the outside of the Cathedral are the figures of two milkmaids and a cow, that the monks had put there. The legend is that the monks did not know where to build and a dun cow led them to a place.

August 13, 1908.

Thursday morning we took a row on the river and had a fine view of the Cathedral and Castle. A fine old Norman bridge spands the river just above the Cathedral.

August 14, 1908.

Friday afternoon we were in Newcastle-on-Tyne and that night went to the Empire Theatre.

August 15, 1908.

At half past five o'clock Saturday afternoon we were on the tender going down the river toward the streamer Midnight Sun, which was to take us on a Norway Cruise.

August 17, 1908.

All day Monday there was a heavy fog and at one time the Captain found it difficult to know our position. In the evening the fog lifted and the sun burst