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August 25, 1908.

At Romsdalen there was an eight mile drive to take, through the valley along a stream that every once in awhile formed a lake or pond. The day was one of those with big rolling clouds often hiding the sun and resting on the mountains.

The point of the drive was a very steep mountain called Romsdalshorn with a high pointed peak. It looked charming as we saw it, throwing it's huge reflection in the water at it's foot and fleecy clouds lying just below the peak that stood out clear above them.

A mountain that we past just before coming to Romsdalshorn was rigidly cut along the edge looking like a long row of stone figures.

We were late in getting back to the boat, which was impatiently waiting to start, because it was to make another stop that day, at a place called Molde and was rather hurried for time. 

In the Molde church, above the altar is a