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other appear very interesting. The gardens around the houses are a confusion of flowers and vegetables. If anything the country has too many fields.

We arrived at Windermere in a driving rain that looked as if it were going to be a siege.

From our windows we can look down over the village to the Lake and the surrounding hills. It gives somewhat the impression of Newburgh.

September 1, 1908.

Tuesday during the lulls in the rain we walked about and saw a little of the town and in the afternoon went down to the Lake. The streets wind sharply and seem to follow no plan. The buildings are built of slate and the residences look like pretty old fashioned cottages with a profusion of bright colored flowers in the yards. Goldenrod, asters and other wild flowers are cultivated in the gardens. Blue seems to be a very popular color for flowers in England. Of course the ivy covers everything and looks beautiful on the gray slate walls.