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Friday morning we took the train to Carlisle and in the afternoon went on to Glascow, continuing to Edwinburgh the next morning.

September 5, 1908

The weather was still bad and we could see nothing of the scenery we were passing through because of the mist on the car windows. Just before reaching the city it cleared for a few minutes allowing us to see some of the pretty country. *

September 6, 1908

This morning we attended service at the old parish church of St. Giles dating from 1385. It has the customery barrel vaultings of the Scotish churches and from the pillars of the nave hang the old banners of the Scotch regiments. Beneath the west window is the beautiful bronz memorial to Robert Louis Stevenson by St. Gaudens. At one time the church had been divided into four, but is now restored to it's original state, but all the windows are modern.

The service was not exactly like our's but the choir was beautiful and the organ very fine. One contralto voice was particularly lovely