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I just make the first excuse that comes to me. Think of leaving you after you have been away so long. Sometimes I almost tell them I have a sweetheart and I think that would be enough of an answer.

I am so glad you like one of my pictures. I was afraid you wouldn't like either. I wish sometime you would look at me just as long as you look at the picture of me because I love to have you do so. I love your eyes they are so straight-forward and honest looking and beside that being so beautiful. You know I have told you that before.

When I was out to the Lake your mother showed me a coat (overcoat) dark grey in color and asked if it belonged to me. As soon as I looked at it I knew it didn't but somehow I remember having seen it before. Your mother said that one evening when you and I went out to the Lake that you were wearing it. I have been trying to think where we could have borrowed it. I remember someone lending us a coat for you to wear on the cars but for the life of me I can't tell who it was. I recall the time you came back from the [[?]] you had on a thin white dress and as it was raining you went up to the ferry office and borrowed a coat but I don't think this is the one. Anyway your mother seemed quite disturbed about it and wanted to find the owner. Maybe you can throw some light on the subject.

Yesterday being Thanksgiving all the family was together except my married sister. Of course we had a lot to eat. Well Thad and Albert and I

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: Right page transcribed first; left page text reads continuously from end of right page text