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part of the state I expected it to be. I look at the map so eagerly and it seemed to bring you very near me Sweetheart.
I find that I can take the Mallory Line to Galveston and get to Del Rio by a very direct route right across the state. I will probably be with Albert part of the way as he is fond of the sea trip and is counting on going to Mexico. He makes a fine travelling companion and we get along famously together. You will probably get this letter just about Christmas

Good night Sweetheart

I long to see you again 
With all my love

I hope it does not look ofenceive (pun)

Please excuse blots in middle of this letter 

Dec 19. 1906


Dearest Girl

Father has just returned from Newburgh and says that it was snowing hard up there this morning; although it has been raining here all day. So I think if that is so I will go up there soon because I want to get some snow scenes. The highlands are so beautiful in this kind of weather. I mean when the hills are covered with snow. I want most of all to get early morning effects when the sun is just rising and the light is hitting the top of the hills. The worst part of it is I am such a late riser in the mornings. Its very hard for