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wrestling match some day and see who beats. By the time I get down there I'll probably look thin and worn out after living in New York for so long; but I'll get sun burnt going down on the steamer so that I won't look too white. 

I know young Mallory very well and he told me to let him know when I was going and he would see that I was taken good care of so I'll probably have a nice room going down and hope I have good bright fair weather, it makes such a difference

I would just love to kiss you good night Sweetheart 

With all my love 


Please forgive me if I have hurt you in any way 



I am so glad you have some more favorite places  to show me when I get down to Texas. It will be just like the way you showed them to me out at the Lake all over again. O the happiest time I ever had was the first time you took me in to your confidence and read to me and told me things and you didn't tell everybody else I could hardly realize that you thought anything of me. 

I wish I had some Newburgh news or gossip to tell you but I expect you get most all of it from your mother and the rest of the family. I guess you hear more of that then I do although I try to keep up with it as much  

Transcription Notes:
[[image]] is sketch of lake scene with two people in canoe