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N.Y. Herald
Saturday, Nov. 18, 1916


Henry W. Ranger Provides for
Purchase of Paintings by

American artists are the beneficiaries of
the estate of Henry W. Ranger, noted land-
scape painter, who left $213,320.  His will,
filed yesterday in the Surrogates' Court,
gives the income of the entire amount to
the National Academy of Design on condi-
tion that it be spent in the purchase of 
paintings by American artists.

Mr. Ranger died November 7.  His will,
executed January 1, 1914, directed that his
wife receive the income from the entire
estate for life and that it go to the Acad-
emy on her death. Mrs. Helen Endora
Ranger pre-deceased her husband.

The specifications concerning the be-
quest follow:-"I direct that my entire
residuary estate be paid over to the Na-
tional Academy of Design, the principal
to be kept invested and the income thereof
to be spent by the council of said Acad-
emy in purchasing paintings produced by
American artists, at least two-thirds of
such income to be spend in the purchase
of works of artists who are forty-five
years of age or over, it remaining optional
with the council to spend the remaining
third or any part thereof in the purchase
of works by younger artists. All pictures
so purchased are to be given by the 
council to art institutions in America or
to any library or other institutions in
America maintaining a gallery open to
the public, all such gifts to be upon the
express condition that the National Gal-
lery at Washington, administered by the
Smithsonian Institution, shall have the op-
tion and right, without cost, to take, re-
claim and own any picture for their
collection, provided they exercise such
option and right at any time during the
five years' period beginning ten years
after the artist's death, and, if such option
and right is not exercised during such
period the picture shall remain and be
the property of the institution to which
it was first given.  The words 'America' 
and 'American,' as used above, shall be
construed as equivalent to 'North America'
and 'North American,' respectively." 

Charles Henry Phelps, of No. 412 West
End avenue, and William Macbeth, of
No. 834 Prospect place, are the executors.
The only  relative left by Mr. Ranger is
Miss Edith F. Ranger, a sister, of No. 
211 West Fifty-fifth street.

Transcription Notes:
Double spaces after punctuation