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NEW YORK                              11 WEST 53rd STREET
                                 TELEPHONE: CIRCLE 5-8900
                             CABLES: MODERNART, NEW-YORK

                   October 8, 1943.
Dear Miss Parsons:

I am very sorry that exigencies of space made it finally impossible to include all the early Calders we had hoped to use, in order to avoid disproportionate representation. Some interesting pieces not quite so characteristic as others had to be omitted. I was sorry to have to leave out the brass nude of Mrs. Mackean's which you so Kindly put at our disposal.

It is a pity that we could not have had twice as much space for the Calder exhibition. Calder's finest work could have easily filled it.

I will appreciate it if you will explain to Mrs. MacKean the problem forced on us by space limitations and thank her for her generosity in agreeing to let us show the sheet brass nude.

Very sincerely yours,
James Johnson Sweeney
Director of the Exhibition

Miss Betty Parsons,
Wakefield Gallery,
64 East 55th Street,
New York, N.Y.