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I feel these things, & although his body lay in simple state, he had some. And it seemed to me he'd gone an immence distance away & for ever. Am sure this was not my imagination for their was a felling of loss for the first time & a feeling that England lay now exposed.

I hadn't thought of him as the greatest Englishman, Shackspere & one of two others take this position for me, but as a great man of Destiny, & destiny belongs to the world, the soul is concerned with the path.

Today the bleak cold continues.

I hope you had a Happy Birthday It seems I have to tell you that Emily says she wouldn't be back for all she could see.  with the money Lou sent me for [[?]] to get some little thing for myself that is not just paying my way, so this time I took myself to a seance, & Emily said this, & Mary Buchanan said  

Transcription Notes:
Shackspere is I believe Shakespeare e