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1 Wandon Rd London S.W.6 
Sunday Aug 15th 65 

Darling Betts 

It was indeed nice to receive your note. It brought a cool fresh air of content in ones own surroundings & health gained by the simple unpaid for joys of natural life.  Yes it must be beautiful I too would like to see Jons place.  But [deletion] lif [deletion] lives change almost according to ones own personality we have to do that which we feel, be it destiny or a road which is our own harmony.  It depends what is the strongest desire.  With me the urge of my "within" life is the strongest.  I should have to wear very many rose coloured glasses towards the outer life to like it again. 

What good news to know I was actually noticed in your drawing exhibition, it could only happen in another country, here I'm ignored.  But perhaps things are