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Dear Betts
Here I am at the hotel de Suède! Sunday Sept 1 I shall be in Venice - and I shall stay with Adriano Carnitine for a time. It is safer to send mail at the american express though - Kindly tell this to Mr Campbell should he ask - or better still I shall write him a card - 
Today I was offered „un verre" by a street cleaner- (sweeping with a kind of twig-broom the water in the gutter)- an elderly man, with very baggy pants and a jaket reaching his knees (obviously a handout not a generous one) that had once been navy blue - The sleeves covered partly his impressively dirty hands. He had  been needing a shave for some time. - I was waiting alone. he came, offered to shake hands (!) So I did „Comment ca va?" - Merci bien"! „Alors -  on se promèné? - I said yes - „Avez vous soif?" I said non - I just had lunch - "Ne voulez vous pas boire un verre quand même?" - at that moment Teddy who was bringing the car from where he had parked it returned and opened the door for me to get in. And the guy ran away like a surprised Casanova ..... Would.n't you call this democracy? Love yours
Paris Aug 27 Hedda

[[left margin]] I looked respectable! Believe me

I had been watching him (from the back) with great pity!! [[/left margin]]