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A garden of pretty respectable dimensions, all difficulties considered, is connected with the hospital, from which the Surgeon will soon be able materially to improve the rather unsatisfactory rations allowed.  The Orphan Asylum at this point is in admirable order, and apparently conducted by earnest and active people.  The children are clean, well clothed, and kindly treated.  The Asylum is ready to receive many more orphans than are now cared for.  A large garden is connected with it, and quite an extensive forum.  The Q.M. at Lauderdale, Capt Simmons, complains that the stock issued to him was in wretched condition and diseased, certainly it is in bad case now.  I directed him to send in requisitions for approval in order to secure animals able to perform some little labor, which he has done.  In his capacity of Sub Commissioner, Capt Simmons has apparently conducted the affairs of the Bureau well.  The Citizens seem to respect him, and the negroes to have confidence in him.


Capt and Brevet Major J. J. Knox, Sub Commissioner of