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this District has been in the Bureau since January, and seems to understand and appreciate his duties thoroughly.  Capt Sunderland his assistant is also an efficient officer.  The records of this office deserve special praise for neatness and completeness, Major Knox having kept a full set prior to the recent order on this subject.

The District of Meridian embraces some of the wildest and most disreputable county in the State. Cases of abuse are numerous, but are taken in hand by the civil authorities with creditable results.  The occasional presence of a Bureau officer, however, serving to remind these latter of their duties.  I recommend that Capt Sunderland be soon instructed to make a tour through the district.

In concluding this report I would say that the condition of the Freedmen is much better than I had expected, but every improvement is to be ascribed solely to the selfishness of the people, not to say loyalty or chivalrous feeling on their part, as some of the Citizens with whom I conversed have claimed.