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P38 Vol [[illegible]] R.F. & AL 1866
Feb 7th 1866
H. 99. R.F. & A.L. Va. 1866.

Case of Hockaday EW Mrs
James City Co, Va.

Applies for aid, having lost all her property during the war.
(1 Encl)

Respectfully referred to Maj Gen O.O. Howard Coms'nr

By order of the President
R Morrow

Memorandum enclosed.

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON REC'D FEB 13 1866 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON REC'D MAR 9 1866 [[/stamp]]

E.M.L.R. 297.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands, 
Head Qr's. Asst. Comm., State of Va
Richmond, VA., 7th March 1866

Respectfully returned to Major Genl OO Howard, Commissioner, respectfully inviting attention to endorsement of R. Churchill, Asst Supt

O Brown
Colonel & Asst. Commissioner.

1.V. 245

War Dept
Bureau R. F. & A.L.
Washington Mch 10/66

Respectfully returned to His Excellency the President, whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Mr. R. Churchill Sup't. hereon.

O.O. Howard
Maj. Genl. Comr.