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Respy rtd to Maj Genl Howard Office Asst Supt Bureau R.F. and A.L. Williamsburg and James City Co. Va. Williamsburg Feby. 28th 1866 Respectfully returned to Capt C.B. Wilder A.Q.M. and Supt 9th Dist. Va. Bu. R.F. and A.L. I have made a most thorough investigation in the case of Mrs. Hockaday. She complains that she is compelled to "solicit aid." The facts of the case do not warrant her in this Statement. Mrs. H. owns a farm of about 400 acres within two miles of water communication. About 350 acres is heavily timbered and very valuable. About 50 acres is cleared and fenced. She refuses to sell any of the land wishing to "leave it to her daughter". On the farm is a brick house, old, but comfortable, and well furnished. There are also several out-buildings on the place. She further owns a yoke of oxen a cart, a carriage, 6 hogs, fowl, and at