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when my "Mother" died the young — negroes were left to me, to raise with no - money & I was compeled to go in debt to raise them, it is true the stay [[A law?]] resently passed has offered relief for the present, but the intrust will be the distroaying of thousands and will be the means of leaving me, and many others without a home. My horses were stolen, one Churchwill has & the other a negroe has at York, as I am told & I have no means of geting one, to plought me a forrow" [[illegible]] I must, "if you do not aide me." My corn will soon give out & I have no bacon, my cows were my support & which keep me from eating any bread or starve I may say as I cannot live on bread a lone, but my cows have been stolen as I stated before & I have no means of geting a cow, buying corn, or hireing a negroe to make it. If they would be hired