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that I should lose all of my property & come to starve for the crimes of my Countrymen, please send me an order to get my horse which has been turned over by Capt Churchwell to one of the Lieutenants I have forgotten his name also try & have my other horse gotten or paid for Present please excuse my importunity & business like stage of writting and trouble to which I subject you. But [[strikethrough]] assure at [[/strikethrough]] you can not imagine what poverty is & I will assure you it will drive us to many things that we dislike. Please answer this as soon as possible and send the order to me if you please Very Respectfully & Truly Your Friend Elizabeth Hockaday Address Wmsburg Virgina or James City Co Va YCo File What record? Hockaday Mrs E.W applied for aid having lost all her property during the War Referred to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Feb 13/66