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Defence Rosewood March 16th 1866

Capt. McNulty 

I received a note from you handed in by the ____ Becca Weathers & from the purport of it you have been falsely informed; I did not hire those hands; neither did I agree to rent to any of the party but Willis Jackson.  I went in to have the writings drawn & signed & the old man said you were not in & it was time enough to have it done as they had not moved here; he came out & looked at the land & seemed much pleased.  I went on to building as fast as I could as they seemed so anxious to come & the old man agreed his hands should help for the wood I had let him have to burn in Warrenton.  They came & my workman told me they were of very little use for they only built up a fire & set by it nearly all the time.  I have never refused to pay hirelings in my life or act unjust with any one.  It is very unjust for me to be called upon for wages for hands I did not employ.  I agreed [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] that Willis Jackson might cutivate 50 acres of ground & enclose & give me a third of every thing he raised & through a blind they come to our woods sometimes pretending to be at work building up big fires setting by it.  Still I did not interfere, & they left without my giving them any cause.  I understand they have been in different directions trying to get a place already fenced in for them at last the til on Mr Pollocks & said Mrs Pollock had offered them a good place & I told them I had no objection. I wanted them to do the best they could & get along well.  I had  

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