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previous to this renting; rented 50 acres to Eli Briggs whose character is well known as one of the first in our Country.  He can give certificates of his character from the first in our Country.  Becca Weathers has impeached his character & said if he stayed here he should not make anything for if he made one way he should lose another way.  Eli & the old man Willis Jackson had agreed between themselves to join in putting up the fence [[strikethrough]] for both parties [[/strikethrough]]; Eli is good at anything that is right, when Eli worked for them the old man was to replace it in work, I have nothing to do with their work; I rented did not employ.  On Sunday before they moved to Mr Pollock all of Willis Jacksons hands came here & Becca Weathers sent for me to come out.  I went & she said they wanted me to make off an account for their work.  I told her I did not employ or hire Willis hands but rented to them, whilst out a big fire broke out in our woods & from appearances we thought it Mr Horners house; & soon as discovered Eli & William Ray my tenants put off to help put it out & the other party would not go, & Bec said a match might have been dropped in our woods, & co's the Jackson party had set it on fire for Mr Horner saw them setting around the fire & told them to put it out & they came straight to the house & said nothing about it or would help put it out.  Eli fought the fire until nearly night at last subdued it & $50 would repay me for damages; it was fired near the timber that was cut, I think it looks very bad & since they set in at Mr Pollocks